Before we get to analyse the Pulwama Attack, Lets understand the Astrological chart of India!

What's happening ?
India got independence on 15th August 1947, 00am, New Delhi, India.
Based on the above details astrological chart of India is given by Taurus Ascendant ( Rishba Lagna) and Cancer (Kataka Rashi) Moon Sign.
Looking at the chart, more than Lagna, Moon plays a strong rule in this chart, so we will analyse the "Chart of India" based on Moon placement (Rashi Chart)
Moon Represents Mind, Water, Emotions, Culture, Thinking and Mother.

India is one of the country 22 major holy rivers, covered 3 sides with seas/oceans, one side covered with ice (Great Himalayas, Kailasha abode of Lord Shiva) representing water!
It is one of the large agricultural country.
Indian people are emotional and they are good administrator (Leading MNC's do have lot of Indians in Administrative capacity)

So we are confirming that India is strongly connected to Moon. So we can understand that Moon is Strongly placed in its own sign in Cancer (Kataka Rashi) Moon Sign.
Now, 9th from Moon Lagna is ruled Jupiter, and he is home of Spiritual paths, Yogis and Gurus!

So its clear that India Chart is strongly connected with Strong Moon.
Birth Chart of Nehru shows that he is strong placement of Moon, and he is the First Prime Minister of India!

If you see Chart of Indira Gandhi, shows strong placement of Moon in 7th House (Kendra, in Saturn House, A strong Ruler)
That's why you find Person who ever has strong Moon and Saturn always ruled India, least in their Dasha/ Antar Dasha.
Trouble to India comes from Rahu (Rahu Eclipse the Moon)
(Which represents Terrorism due to religious division)

What has happened in the past?
As we can see the India started with so much of restrictions and extremely slow progress during Saturn Maha Dasha, infact lost the plot of accelerated growth and prosperity during 1947 to 1965.
Actually the decision of giving independence to India already was in the pipeline after world war - II with British Empire and it was approved after August 1946 (You can refer the dates), it took almost a year to sort out the issues and differences with religious minorities, which took so much diplomatic talks and bargaining, and never worked out positively.
1947 -1965
It was the slow pace of Growth. India could have taken drastic steps to become super power, but its lost opportunity.
1965 - 1982 (1965 - 1973 & 1973- 1982)
This was the period would have seen drastic changes as well dramatic improvements being made till 1973, and then from 1973 to 1982 it has become anarchy and lost the plot of growth and prosperity.

This is the India has seen the changes and made drastic strides for growth and development, but off course would have seen so many community clashes, fights and religious fights and internal fights.
1989 - 2009 (1989 -1999 & 1999-2009)
1989 -1999, Rahu Taken over, there was change of leadership at the central level, and this is the period where in increased the terrorist acclivities, creating disturbance to growth and peace of this country. This period would have seen growth of the country but at the same time, and it would come with its own set of issues! Due to placement of Rahu in the House of Venus.
1999 -2004 (13th Loksabha Elections - Influence of Rahu) - NDA!
This was significant promising growth pace, both under UPA and NDA, but it also seen the disturbances due to terrorist activities across the country.
2004 - 2009 (UPA 1 )
But lot of concrete steps have been taken, there were lot of systems and controls in place, brought of lot of changes and development. Lot of Reforms were carried out both during NDA and UPA 1
UPA - 2 - Parliament Hardly functioned, due to opposition questioning Corruptions of UPA 2, Policies as well as decisions.
So this phase complete loss of governance and india, lost opportunity to push its growth pace. But then due to 2nd Lord Dasha, it didn't work out properly for India.
What transformed India?
End of Surya Maha Dasha India was going through Venus, gave big mandate during Venus Antar Dasha for BJP, to win 2014 Elections, and they took nearly year to come to terms with policy decisions and progress.
2015 - 2025 (Moon Maha Dasha)

So India moved on with changes and gave huge mandate to BJP to the face of Mr.Narendra Modi!
So, India is getting into lot of Transformations during BJP Regime, I am not supporter of BJP, I am reading the answer from Astrological stand point and nothing else.

Pulwama Attack!
Yes its true that India always gets into trouble and peace will be disturbed during Dasha and Antar Dasha of Rahu, Ketu as well as Saturn.
India's peace is affected from outside people (Aliens) who are motivated by Religious propaganda! Which India has been witnessing from 1989 to 2009, 2014 on-wards.
These people disturb the peace at beautiful location (Jammu & Kashmir) Rahu placed in Venus House, and troubles from 6th House, which gets aspect of Mars (Weapons and Loss of Lives) , Rahu crossing the border!
Saturn troubles India being 8th lord, which brings distress, but it also brings people united! Only person with Strong influence of Saturn can handle the situation better and bring order into chaos situation.
If we look back at the timing of events, the amount of Terrorist Incidents started rising from 1989 to 2015!
Rahu and Ketu Transit happened on 12th February 2019, Rahu moving to 12th House and Ketu to 6th House, and created a situation, and that attack came from across the borders, so we had pulwama Attack taking place (Rahu (Alien crossing border) moving to 12th House from Moon, causing disturbance and peace.

Due to placement of Ketu with Saturn there is lot of activity which disturbs the peace or worry, starting from 12.02.2019 till 18.03.2019!
But looking at the Horoscope of India, this could have planned from 07.12.2018 ! But this would come to stop by 01.03.2019.
Moon / Jupiter / Ketu
MAY'2018 - JAN'2019
Jupiter being lord of 6th and 9th House, and it means Initial phase of Jupiter, that is from May'2018 to Jan'2019, It was trouble some period, and it was waiting to happen in Jan'2018, I Hope our Intel sources would have received the message, and they could have avoided this disaster.

Feb'2019 - Sep'2019.
A strong leadership would have emerged which would enabled access and support from Responsible countries around the world, So India is on the right track and they need not worry, but they need to be careful due to present Rahu - Ketu Transit till September'2019, Until Jupiter Transit occurs.
This is my current Situational Analysis of Pulwama Attack!
Nadathur Srivatchan