Who Am I?

Who Am I? Its the question we all get sometime or the other. We are all in the same boat!.. Lets search for the answer. Feel free to post your comments.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


The very reason you are reading this article will indicate that you under the influence of Saturn. The Influence of Saturn to you is Either by its Major or sub period as per your birth astrological chart or you will be under the influence of 71/2 or Artha Ashtama Sani or Ashtama Saturn as per your Moon Sign placement.

Strange but this is a fact that I observed in my life with many people.

What is Saturn ? Why so much Significance to it? What it has to do with number 8?

Yes, all of these above questions are connected and they have strong meaning and reason for it.

Lets Discuss... As per Vedic System, heavenly bodies...Saturn is last planet which has direct impact or influence on the earth..Though Neptune and pluto are discovered later, not part of astrological importance as they are too small to create impact on earth due to astronomical distance, so Astrologically they are not considered.

Being the last planet is solar system, it takes the longest elliptical path around the sun, as well as longest time to complete one revolution, 30 years!, Unlike Venus or Mercury which would hardly take 28 days to 36 days for one revolution, because of proximity to sun, as well as small orbital path.

Being slow to move around, it extracts great influence on earth and on the people, it will reflect how people think and feel.

Say if there is a problem, the problem is there for a month, and then everything gets to normalcy, you will not find or think about problem in great length.

Where as if you have a problem.. and the problem.. runs into weeks.. months.. and then almost say for 30 weeks... which 2 1/2 years.. you will realise that the problem has changed the way you lived your life.

It would have changed your thinking pattern, perception, people and their would have complete change of personality. This what Saturn Can do.. It will completely change the way you think about your life.

Since Saturn is far away from sun it is really cold, so when person go through Saturn Dasa (Major Period)/ Bhukthi (Minor Period) according to astrological chart or as per moon sign, their life experience would have so strange. You will know, life would have been so cold to you, cold represents cruel, no mercy at all.

Hot & cold are the extremes where no life can survive. Especially being cold we can't even comprehend ..

Say even in personalities if someone is hot personality, he will give us clue by shouting or reacting to us, where in we could realise what the person is trying to say or pointing to.

But if a person is cold, he will not give much clue, you have to go through the struggle and then find out that what the person intended to say or what is the actual problem.. So this what Saturn is..

With Saturn you will not shown any mercy at all, your life will be upside down, you would be wondering life was so beautiful and simple.. suddenly a Earth quake.. Tsunami.. Cyclone.. Volcanic Eruption..Completely destroys our life. You could not comprehend .. and there will be continuous attack... it would be so cruel..Life would be crumbling!

We wonder . Where is god? where is truth? Why me? What is happening to my life?

I have so much to write up.. I will continue later when I get time.



Purpose and Meaning of life

I always wonder what is the meaning and purpose of life?. Time in and timeout I find myself in crossroads.

I wonder is it me alone?. Am I alone?

We were born and go through the ritual of schooling.. conditioned .. made dumb by the society, with view that thinking different is punishable... Thinking different does not mean you become completely go out of focus, become eccentric, going out of circle, they become problem creators to society.
What I meant by thinking different is, ability to express ourselves in creative ways, ability to provide our thoughts, feelings and actions in unique way, where we are able to contribute ourselves to others and societies, with in the confinements and codes of societies, in  the best possible ways and means !

Move towards life, blind folded like herd of sheep...

Get up.. Morning routine...run for the work.. "Bang your head in the workplace".. drive book home... eat and sleep....

For me its a vicious circle!. ...Road to Death?.. May be .. because life does not
make sense or much sense.

We have been forced to earn.. Buy lot of luxuries things whether we need or not, just to show it our environment, that we have all those.....

We become envious with people around us.. may not develop the mind-set that we too can learn or gain what they have!

There is never a moment, we think higher forms of existence.. even if we think of that higher forms of existence... its only about asking for more!...We want more and more what we have

we want more money..money..money..its all what we think all the time.

we want more power..power power.. this is what most of us craving for...without understanding that with more power comes... more responsibility. how many of us are willing to take responsibility taking the additional responsibility that comes with additional power.

We want more and more of everything.. there is a burning desire .. strong desire.. which makes us to forget the higher form of energy.

When we pray we expect the god to give what we want, if he does not, we become atheist, saying god is no where, its all attitude related problem.
We don't understand that god is great, because he never gives what we want rather he gives what is better to us. He runs a amazing Mainframe computer, taking accountability of everything what we did, doing.. and relates results of our karma, manifest it, in front of us, connect the dots between past to future, through present.

People run after Gurus.. Especially Modern Gurus... the Gadget Gurus..The Hi-fi & Wi-Fi Gurus...I am not blaming or hurting anyone. I am just saying there are fake Gurus in the market ...Great number of imported Gurus from India to Western world during 18th & 19th Century, has created billion dollar business.

Some are clever enough to Implement, the route back the same business model to india, with population of a one billion with 80% of believer of god, some of these fake gurus,  generate million dollar business in the name of Spirituality and the make luxury living out of this, violating the very purpose of why they have become Guru in the first place.

I guess I am deviating from the topic what I intended to write about. I am Just saying if you could get up early in the Morning probably say around 4.30am, Brush and Wash your face.

Just go to open space or if it is not possible just sit in a clean room light a lamp (Check Hindu Lamp, a small vessel made of metal, you will put a cotton wick, and then you have to pour Ghee (Ghee is a oil made from milk) and then light the lamp with a match stick) in front of you.

Just close your Eyes.. Relax.. Relax.. Relax...Let your mind think what it wants... it will jump.. here and there..so many images..thoughts...feelings.. hurts.. sounds.. noises.. everything will be there..just observe like your watching a movie... it will get slow down after 20 minutes.. It will calm down.. slowly .. slowly...slowly.. You will see your thoughts become lighter.. 

There you go.. You keep practising daily.. with in few weeks.. You start to understand... with in few Months....You will stop talking...

You will start to listening... Listening to everything...Listening to Universe...

You will listen the Message.. Meaning.. Purpose of life.. Directly from Universe...

Universe will speak to you.. You can ask all questions.. But be patient...

Universe will reveal itself to you... Reveal everything to you ... Everything to you directly...

Amazing Experience..

But the Strange part of this experience.. You stop talking.. You never speak much.. Because you have answers for everything.

That's why They say " If one does not know anything he can't speak much, like normal person, If one person Knows everything also does not speak much, like a Yogi/Guru. Hindusim - Dakshinamurthy -  Lord Shiva is Mouna Guru (Guru who sits north faces South Meditating silently) because he has answer for everything, only fools speak a lot".

Guess I am like a fool, but then I am happy to be a fool to reveal the truth to you... So that you can take this high path of truth.

Best Wishes to you for finding the purpose and Meaning of your life.

If you find.. Please let me know!

